20 Students of Gujarat was invited in launching of Akash Ubislate Tablet computer in New Delhi. The "Akash" or "sky" was launched by by Kapil Sibal, the Human Resources Development Minister. The original cost of the tablet is Rs. 2,250 but Central Government decided to give tablet computer to some selected students in just Rs. 1100. Among all selected students of India, 20 students from Gujarat was selected , they get an Akash tablet to bring it home, they all are chosen to use the world’s Cheapest tablet computer, after that they will give feedback regarding to tablet. Students will use it and find what problems they facing while using it and what benefits they get while using it.
Akash is in its Beta (testing face) version because there may be chances of technical fault in Akash. When all students get tablet, which will change the life of students. We will have not to carry heavy books daily because we can store all EBooks in little tablet and can open it when our class will going on. Obviously our bag size and weight will be decreased. Now we have to wait to get Akash!
i m loving it....